Captain Congeniality

Such a nice boy...

7:11 AM

Flying Delta with Alaska Elite Status

Posted by Jesse |

My airline of choice or perhaps necessity lately has been Delta.  Our family owns a small business and we live in a United hub, which is an automatic extra $300.00 per trip if I choose to fly the dominant carrier, besides who doesn't love stopping in ATL, on the way from IAH to DEN or  MSP on the way from IAH to SFO, or SLC just for kicks?

About a year ago I researched frequent traveler programs and decided that I needed to find some that worked for me instead of the reverse.  I chose Alaska Mileage Plan to credit my American and Delta flights to.  I chose Agean to Credit United flights to.

Everything was working great until two things happened.

1. Delta and Alaska escalated the war to the point where elite benefits were cut.

2. Agean changed their whole earning structure and did away with lifetime status.

Now my question is which program should I credit my flights to?  Miles and smiles looks better each day.